Midhurst Electric Loft Stair


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Midhurst Electric Loft Stair 

 For the ultimate in luxury loft access we offer our top of the range, push button operated single section stairway, custom built to your floor to floor specification. This electric loft ladder has our largest tread section and is generally shallower in angle of climb. With full newel posts and balustrading, this stairway represents the ultimate in electric loft access.

As with all of our ladders and stairways, the Midhurst also incorporates an emergency manual winding handle. Battery backup is also available.

Structural Opening will vary depending on heights and angles,


Length max.  3000mm Length min.   1850mm
Width  max.  950mm Width min.  760mm

Floor to floor From  2200mm to  3100mm

Angles available with newell post & balustrading to one side only:

@ 55 degrees From £11,050.00

@ 50 degrees From £11,750.00

@ 47 degrees From £13,500.00


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