700 x 1200 Oman Komfort Loft Ladder 2.8mtr


Pound sterling (£) - GBP
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP
  • Euro (€) - EUR


Not Available in Northern Ireland

  • Wooden loft ladder system fully assembled easy to fit available in two sizes.
  • Insulated trap door with secure catch mechanism maximum ceiling height 2.8m.
  • Superb quality, excellent value and pole and handrail included.
  • Large wooden treads with 3 part folding ladder and easy height adjustment.
  • Made from FSC approved timber sources and EN 14975 150kg rating.

Technical Details:

Ud Value                                                       1.1 W/M2K

Handrail                                                        Yes

Feet                                                              Yes

Sealing                                                         Single

Maximum Load                                            160 KG

Deep Non Slip Steps                                    Yes

Completely Assembled Components           Yes

Warranty                                                       3 Years

Compliance                                                  EN 14975


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